How to find top international talents in 2024

Due to difficulties attracting local talent, more and more companies in Germany are recognizing the need to tap into the vast potential offered by international hiring.

By opening your recruiting to international talents, you increase your chances to find highly-skilled employees. Because you are acccessing a bigger talent pool.

However, if you’re looking to hire internationally are also facing specific challenges. In this blog article, we want to first look at those challenges. And then show you what you can do overcome them. So you can hire the best talents for your open roles.

Common challenges when recruiting internationally

1. Where to post your job?

Many companies in Germany find themselves wondering where to best post their jobs open to internationals. Some job portals reach the wrong audience, resulting in applications that don’t fit the job ad. Other portals are too expensive. And there is almost no portal focused on top international talents exclusively (with some notable exception – stay tuned reading below!)

2. How to not be overwhelmed by applications?

Posting you job might also result in a flood of applications that don’t fit your requirements. This creates an additional workload for the recruiting team, diverting their focus from strategic tasks to sift through irrelevant applications. 

3. How to ensure a good candidate experience?

A high volume of applications can compromise the candidate experience. Companies may find it challenging to respond to each application promptly, leading to the unfortunate practice of “ghosting” candidates – an experience that can negatively impact your employer brand. Especially in today’s time, where candidates can share their experience with millions of others talents in minutes.

4. How to control costs?

Traditional job portals can be expensive, reaching up to prices of 1.000€ per job  and with no guarantee they will yield the desired results. This makes it crucial for companies to explore more cost-effective and efficient alternatives.

The Solution: The new CareeBee Job Portal

CareerBee best job portals for internationals

In response to these challenges, we have developed a specialized job portal designed exclusively for international talents in Germany.

Leveraging our extensive reach to over 70,000 outstanding international professionals and our recruitment expertise, we aim to streamline the hiring process for companies looking to fill key positions.

How does it work?

  1. Post your job: If you are looking to hire internationals, you can post your on our portal, ensuring that your vacancy reaches the right audience. Due to the filter options that candidates have available, your post reaches the right audience.
  2. Amplify Your Reach: Benefit from our extensive social media presence with over 70,000 followers. We will actively promote your job opening through our channels, increasing visibility and attracting high-quality applicants.
  3. Pre-Screening done for you: We understand the value of your time. Our team will conduct pre-screening of applications before they reach you. We will then forward you only those profiles that match your specified requirements. This reduces your time and effort involved in the initial stages of the recruitment process.
  4. Stand Out as a Top Employer: Elevate your job posting by marking it as a “premium job” on our portal. This distinguishes your vacancy from the rest, making it more appealing to top-tier candidates seeking exciting opportunities.

Why You Should Post Your Job on CareerBee

Tailored for International Talents

Our portal is specifically designed to cater to the needs and expectations of international professionals in Germany, ensuring that your job reaches a relevant and diverse audience.

Time Savings

By streamlining the application process and reducing the influx of irrelevant resumes, our portal helps you save valuable time and resources. Additionally, our cost-effective solution offers a budget-friendly alternative to traditional job postings.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

By focusing on pre-screening and targeted reach, we aim to improve the overall candidate experience. We help you avoid the pitfalls of candidate ghosting and create a positive impression as an employer who values its applicants.

Diversity Leadership

Becoming a true diversity leader starts with embracing inclusivity in your hiring practices. Our portal facilitates access to a broad spectrum of talents, fostering diversity and innovation within your organization.


In conclusion, if you are a company in Germany seeking international talents for your tech and business roles, our specialized job portal offers a tailored solution to your hiring challenges.

Unlock the potential of a diverse and skilled workforce by joining our platform – where your job posting stands out, your reach is amplified, and your time is optimized for strategic decision-making. Embrace the future of hiring with our innovative approach to international talent acquisition.

Picture of Laura Villafuerte

Laura Villafuerte

HR expert & Career Coach

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